Monday, October 19, 2009

First Day in London

Buckingham Palace (The Queen was home, said hello, she was pleasant.)

Parliment on the Thames from the London Eye

Big Ben (It's pretty big, but I don't understand where the "Ben" comes from.)

The Thames River from the London Eye

The Tower of London -- Henry the 6th died here May 21st 1471 (That's a long time ago.)

London Bridge from the Tower of London (One of the best pictures of the day.)

I also took a picture of a sweet gold chalice in the Tower of London, but was immediately barked at as soon as the automatic flash went off by two Beefeaters (not a derogatory word, look it up). The room was dimly lit and the cup was behind glass. I chose poorly. However, I speculate from the vast number of gold cups and enormous solid gold punch bowls -- yes, punch bowls -- that these guys enjoyed a drink or few in the day, but in awesome style.

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